
Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008

Current Chinese government is pushing United Nation to abolish the traditional Chinese, which is widely used by people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and overseas Chinese communities. The purpose is to make a UNIFIED Chinese. I'm not sure if it's a good direction to go. Simply I just don't think that UN should endorse this attempt - a form of Chinese culture hegemony towards other Chinese cultural regions in the world.

You can find further details (incl the petition button) in the following link:

I have signed the petition myself and left my personal comment is as follows:
Keeping the traditional Chinese is one of the best ways to preserve the 2 thousand years old Chinese culture. As a Chinese culture admirer, I cannot imagine to abolish the traditional Chinese characters. Also I wonder how people would be able to read the old Chinese documents without learning traditional Chinese. Which is an actual embarrassment in China, as her young generation cannot understand the cultural heritage...


My Handcraft - Necklace

Thanks to a good Japanese friend, I finally finished making the necklace whose materials were there since 3 years.

(finished necklace)

My friend deals with beads and jewelry stuffs deftly. With her help, I didn't get lost in the beads & thread labyrinth and could finally finish the necklace making even after my friend left.

(the mass during making the necklace)

It took me (us) around 6 hours to finish it, and yet I felt really good about it. My first handcraft necklace in Tokyo, probably the last one too :-)


070728 Farewell Party

My farewell party brought a perfect period to my stay in Tokyo last Saturday thanks to all the friends' participation.

The party photo album is as follows:

or http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/dorashu/070728_TokyoFarewellParty

It's been a bit longer than 4 years since I live in Tokyo. Frankly speaking I'm a bit sad to leave this international and interesting metropolitain city, and yet I'm also very excited about the adventure of my next destination, which is not yet 100% decided.

Many thanks to everybody I've come across in these 4 yours. They are either from Tokyo or other parts of the world. Without them, my life in Tokyo would not have been as unforgettable as it is. THANK YOU!

The direct translation of "good-bye" in Japanese is SAYONARA. But instead, I'd prefer to say: see you all soon, sometime, somewhere!