
073010 Yuzawa Onsen Ski Trip 湯澤溫泉滑雪紀行

Snow came late and little this winter in Japan, and yet, Yuzawa Onsen had some luck to have fresh snow in mid March.

Saturday - sunshine with some old snow - slush at lower courses. But Sunday we've got fresh snow. Pity that the wind was too strong, and many courses were closed. We tried to make the best of the day, and yet it's simply too windy for us to hang out there for long.

All in all, it's still a great trip with nice company, good hot spring and absolute adventurous experiences (off piste skiing) ...

湯澤溫泉的滑雪場選擇很多, 即使暖冬的今冬, 還是找得到滑雪場. 只是, 天不從人願, 陽光的星期六, 雪少的可憐, 不少滑雪場都關閉; 下新雪的星期天又大風吹, 結果處於高點的滑雪場或滑雪道又封鎖, 天時地利的滑雪假期真的難呀~ 不過, 還是好好玩!

這次在大使的帶領下, 野地滑雪 (off piste skiing) 的探險經驗還是很棒! 當地的溫泉品質也一流, 晚餐也一級棒!

More photos 我的相本:

070310 Yuzawa Onsen Ski Trip 湯澤溫泉滑雪

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