
Beauty Power Soup Recepie

* Source: Japanese TV programme

Ingredients :
carrotes, onions, cabbages, pumpkins --- 50g/each
water --- 800 ml

1. Chop all the vegies into small chunks
2. Boil the water and put all the vegies in.
3. Bring the whole soup to boil and then keep cooking with mild heat for 20 min.
4. Filter the soup from the vegie and put the vegie aside.
5. Eat the clear soup every morning prior to breakfast, and/or eat it prior to each meal.

According to nutritionists' analysis, the soup alone can help dissovling fat and cholestoral more effectively than taking the soup and vegies together. So make sure to filter vegies out! Of course, you can use the vegies left over for other dishes...

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