
070401_Hanami@Asukayama Park, Tokyo

Waiting with impatience, sakuras finally blossomed in Tokyo in full power. With weather's cooperation we had a sunny/cloudy Sunday with a bit wind from time to time but no rain, which iwas perfect for a "hanami" (cherry blossom appreciation) "takai" (gathering).

Hanami gathering is a multi-functional event in Japan:
it's the ritual to welcome the arrival of spring and to reiterate the philosophy of savouring the beauty in life; an occasion to get out of the office for the round o'clock Japanese salary class; an opportunity to build a sense of "solidarity" between bosses and their employees or between colleagues; a chance to make a perfect eating-drinking-laughing-fulling around party among friends... In short, it's PARTY TIME, and you'd not want to miss it!

070401_飛鳥山公園花見大會/Hanami@Asukayama Park, Tokyo


Unknown said...

Spring is my favorite season,but its period is very short.

It aroused my travelling mood......

Unknown said...

Dear Tracy,

I can understand your feelings, and I'm sorry that you didn't get to see the peach blossoms last weekend. Maybe they'll still be there this weekend?!